About Us
About Us
- Registered under the Trade Unions Act, 1926
- Recognized Union of MCD’s Health Workers
- Active members from Hindu Rao, Rajan Babu PMT, MVID, Girdhari Lal Maternity Home, Maulana Azad Dental College & Hospital, Lok Nayak Hospital, Delhi Cantonment Board General Hospital, GTB Hopsital, Chaudhary Brahma Prakash Ayurvedik Hospital, TB Workers, Employees of Delhi Dispensaries and Mohall Clinics etc.
- Active members from all categories including nurses, paramedics, ANMs, Lab Asst., Lab. Technicians, Pharmacists, Ward Staffs, Safai Karmcharis, clerical staffs of Health Institutions etc.
- Agitating for permanency and better service conditions for Health Workers working on contract or through contractors
- To foster unity and cooperation among its members.
- To remove the grievances of the workers engaged in hospitals, clinics, dispensaries, nursing homes, maternity and child welfare centres etc and to save them from exploitation by their respective managements. To fight for better facilities of work and for better living conditions.
- To make the workers conscious of their rights and duties and to infuse the spirit of good citizenship in them.
- To secure a living wage for every member in normal employment and to bring a progressive improvement in the standard of living of each member.
- To obtain for members various measures of social security including adequate provisions in respect of accidents, maternity, sickness, old age and unemployment.
- To establish harmonious relations amongst the member and try to settle disputes between the members and the management by mutual agreements, if possible.
- To secure redress from injustice in the matter of discharge, dismissal, retrenchment, suspension, stoppage of increments etc.
- To raise the standard of efficiency and discipline in members.
- To try to help members during legal strikes and emergencies.
- To safeguard the members from all sorts of exploitation, injustice and disgrace.
Founder of Hospital Employees' Union
Late Shri C.P. Agarwal (1917-2002) was our founding father. In 1948, he came to Delhi. As a man in his youth having socialist bent of mind, he was moved by seeing the plight of health workers at that time. There were no fixed working hours, only four holidays a year, and abysmal working conditions. One can gauge the working conditions from the fact that the health workers used to take their meals while sitting on hospital floors. He organized health workers and formed Hospital Employees Union to fight for the cause of workers. The Union got recognition from the Municipal Corporation of Delhi in 1964. For more than 60 years, the Union has stood with the health workers in their thick and thin. It is because of his exemplary leadership and organizational skills that the Union has fostered unity among the health workers and has made various contributions to improving the living standard and working conditions of the workers.
Late Shri Agarwal was a committed trade unionist. He spearheaded the formation of trade unions of municipal workers, railways workers, workers of Delhi administration, archaeological buildings, gardens and zoo workers etc. In 1967, he made efforts to form a union of policemen. When the news broke out, he was arrested and put in jail under the Defence of India Rules. Although the formation of the union of policemen did not attain finality, still the working conditions of policemen improved because of these efforts. At that time the policemen up to the ranks of Havaldars were made to wear half pants (nikkar) as uniform. It was only because of his efforts, a respectable uniform consisting of full pants was allotted.
Our founding fathers constantly fought for the rights of the workers and faced many persecutions for this. He spent almost ten years in jail during various time periods including four years (1975-1979) in jail under MISA during an emergency.
The union shall always be indebted to its founding father. His work and life shall always be a guiding light for us.